Tuesday, August 18, 2009


We got back from our relocation to the beach in South Carolina this weekend. I have a hard time calling it a vacation since I find it to be ten times more work then being home. The laundry is endless, some days I do three loads. Sunscreening the four kids and then myself is a task that takes forever. And, the cooking seems to never end as well.

But, the kids have a BLAST. They get to spend time with their cousins who they rarely get to see. It is alway fun to see who hangs with who. The oldest cousin is almost eighteen and my no. four, who is four, was the youngest this year. All the cousins are boys, my two girls are the only is the family, so it is always intesting to see what they do. They LOVE to chat and do things with their aunts.

There is lots of beach time. They also did a creek walk and caught lots of different things. I sat out for that and took lots of pictures (more my thing). There were several game nights (some uncles and cousins are big gamers) which they all love, and one of their favorite things to do is the night walk with the light sticks, always supplies by their aunt.

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